1548 The Greens Way – Ste. 4 Jacksonville Beach FL 32250

St Augustine Tax Return Preparation Lawyer

St Augustine Tax Return Preparation Lawyer

St Augustine Tax Return Preparation Attorney

Many tax-related troubles often begin with the tax return. There are times when an error on your tax return, depending on how significant, can lead to things like audits, fines, and possibly tax liens if the issues persist. Enlisting the help of a St. Augustine tax return preparation lawyer to make sure your return is accurate can benefit you or your business.

The team at TaxSmith, LLC, can support you through all aspects of tax return preparation so you can avoid problems before they arise. Having an experienced professional handle collecting documents, investigating potential tax breaks, and avoiding any pitfalls with filing correctly, can allow you to confidently file your taxes. If you need legal assistance with tax filings, consulting with a St. Augustine tax debt lawyer can provide additional guidance.

St Augustine Tax Return Preparation Lawyer

What Does a St Augustine, FL Tax Return Preparation Lawyer & Law Firm Do?

Your tax return is a critical document, and any issues with it could lead to serious consequences. Working with a St Augustine tax return preparation lawyer can ensure your tax return is properly filed. Your tax return is a financial summary of your year for the government to determine if you are contributing what you owe. This document must not only provide that summary but align correctly with the financial transactions and maneuvers that you’ve made in the last year.

It’s vital that the document be accurate and properly prepared, and there is no better way to make that happen than working with a tax preparation lawyer.

It is true that for many people in St. Augustine, FL, an accountant is who they rely on to prepare their taxes. While that may be fine for some, there are some significant reasons to consider opting for a tax return preparation lawyer, and many of these benefits center around what a tax preparation lawyer is able to do beyond just the returns.

In particular, the more complex your financial situation or if you are looking for tax preparation for your business, you can really benefit from the depth of knowledge regarding tax law that a tax return preparation lawyer can provide. A significant benefit is that a lawyer is allowed to offer legal advice on a variety of tax-related matters.

A tax return preparation lawyer will generally have a broader range of involvement in your financial matters than just the preparation of your taxes. For instance, those in complex financial situations who want to minimize their taxes while remaining compliant with the law may consult the help of an attorney to achieve their financial objectives. Many people may also work with their lawyer on minimizing the taxes their estate is exposed to or working out tax issues with their business.

Part of the comprehensive involvement of a tax return preparation attorney is the matter of representation for their clients. An attorney is able to represent you not just with the full scope of issues involved with the IRS but also in any court proceedings, trials, and other legal matters. They can represent and advocate for you through any tax litigation that you may be involved in. They can also negotiate and seek settlements with the IRS and other institutions.

A lot of legal issues that may arise can center around the accurate preparation of the tax return. That document not being handled properly exponentially increases the risk and possibility of you having to deal with all sorts of other tax-related problems in the future. There is a real benefit to working with someone who has a full picture and understanding of your financial situation and goals.

Expert St Augustine Tax Return Preparation Attorney

FAQs About St Augustine, FL Tax Return Preparation Laws

Why Would I Want a Tax Return Preparation Lawyer Instead of an Accountant?

An accountant and a tax return preparation lawyer both have an understanding of tax law and regulations, but a tax lawyer is often much more aware of the more obscure laws and the role they play in more complex financial arrangements. They are also licensed to give legal advice that extends further than what an accountant is able to do.

Additionally, in terms of representation, a lawyer’s ability extends beyond an accountant’s ability to represent someone before the IRS in the courtroom and other legal hearings.

If There Is an Error With My Taxes, What Are the Consequences?

The consequences of an error on your taxes will depend heavily on the kind of error and other specifics. Generally, though, the consequences will typically involve things like fines, penalties, audits, and more issues. Speaking with a tax preparation attorney can help you determine the consequences you may be facing and how to go about fixing errors on past returns.

When Are My Taxes Due in Florida?

Unlike most states, Florida is one of the handful of states that has no income tax. This means that the only deadline that most Floridians will need to worry about is the national tax deadline of April 15th. However, they will also need to be sure to submit any property taxes or other local taxes by their deadline.

How Can I Avoid Being Audited?

Fundamentally, an audit is a means of investigating to see if anything illegal is being done. This means that there’s no ironclad means of avoiding an audit, as even someone who is following all the rules perfectly could still be subject to an investigation. However, the way most audits work is that one error leads to other suspicions that more may be going on. This means that the surest way of avoiding an audit is to ensure that your taxes are accurately prepared.

We Can Help Ensure You Have a Complete and Accurate Tax Return

Your tax return is a critical document that, if done incorrectly, can set you up for some hassle and challenges in the future. Moreover, it must properly reflect your financial story for the year. It can benefit you greatly to work with a St. Augustine tax return preparation lawyer like the experienced team at TaxSmith, LLC.

Contact us to schedule a consultation about preparing your tax return or for any other tax-related concerns. We look forward to putting our years of experience to work for you.


Locations We Serve

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